Tag: Innovation Forum

New York

IMAGINE IF! Pre-Accelerator Competition Now Open!

**In light of the heightened uncertainty raised by the COVID-19 pandemic, IMAGINE IF! NYC local program and competition have been canceled until further notice.** **STAY TUNED for future Innovation Forum New York events!** For the first time in New York, IMAGINE IF! pre-accelerator pitch competition is now launching! IMAGINE IF! seeks to identify disruptive ideasaaa

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New York

Build Your Own Empire: An Insider’s Guide to Startup Success

It is with great excitement that The Innovation Forum New York presents our inaugural event, “Build Your Own Empire: An Insider’s Guide to Startup Success”. We are offering a unique and exclusive opportunity to interact and network with successful entrepreneurs who have established themselves in the fiercely competitive NYC biotech startup market.  Our guest speakersaaa

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